Tuition Scheme University of Indonesia

Thus expressed the Head of Communications Office of Vishnu Juwono UI in Depok, on Monday (01/10/2011), after the letter of reply the UI to the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) related education costing in the UI.
Vishnu said, through a system of Justice BOP, BOP students can pay between Rp 100,000 - Rp 7,500,000 for the exact field of study and assign USD 100,000 - USD 5,000,000 for noneksakta, according to their ability, through the mechanism of determining BOP Justice.
"This mechanism relies on the honesty of students or parents in charge of their financial capability data. The data are processed and analyzed by the UI team that set a BOP basis of each student every year," said Vishnu.
He said the team Stipulation Justice BOP is always included elements that actively involved students, particularly in verifying the data, even conducted a survey into the field if there are data that are incomplete or questionable.
"As we are aware, only a few students in the implementation of S-1 regular program that is able to pay the maximum amount of BOP Justice," he said.
"In fact, during the last three years by more than 8,000 S-1 student or 59 percent of regular pay under BOP maximum magnitude of this justice," added Vishnu.
He said, almost as much as 5,000 students regular S-1 for 3 last year just to pay the BOP just under $ 2,000,000. So with the application of BOP justice system, he continued, the payment of tuition fees per semester from the student / student Program Regular S-1 averaged only Rp 3,000,000 per semester.
"When compared with the Student Unit Cost (SUC), then the value is only equal to 11 to 16 percent of the SUC," he added.
In addition, in determining BP Undergraduate Program (S-1), UI divide into two categories, namely S-1 Regular and Nonreguler, consisting of Parallel, Extension, Regional Cooperation and Industry (KSDI), Special Class International (KKI). The degree program class program nonreguler such as parallel, the International Class, and Extension received through jaluk Selection Entry (See the UI) will be charged nominal range of education ranged from Rp 7,500,000 to Rp 8.5 million (special undergraduate program parallel and extension) .
"This also applies to students accepted to the program KSDI, while the cost of education to international class will be charged a higher and tailored to each department for using the curriculum and infrastructure of international standard lectures," said Vishnu.
He added that the entire burden of tuition fees for graduate programs nonreguler BOP scheme does not obtain Justice. Therefore, Vishnu said, it can be assumed that prospective students who choose to study in graduate programs nonreguler, conscious and aware that they must pay the cost of education is not cheap.
"Moreover, it can be assumed that prospective students who decide to take studies in non-regular degree programs also have good financial skills," he added.
Reported earlier, the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), came to Rector University of Indonesia (UI), Thursday (16/12/2010), to determine the transparency of the calculation, determination, and management of student funds and university funds. ICW arrival triggered by complaints of students who feel UI is not transparent in setting the standard unit cost (SUC) for UI students.
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