Prediksi Soal Simak UI 2011

Students accepted in UI are very competitive, in which only 5% of applicants are accepted yearly. For example in the year 2008 only 5.000 students accepted out of 100.000 applicants. UI acknowledge the importance of graduate students and by the year 2012 more than 50% of students are for Master and Doctoral studies. UI produces the highest and world class number of PhD graduates. International academic research publications produced by faculty-staff and PhD students are increasing tremendously. Our commitment is to produce high quality standard of researchers and by 2012 UI will graduate more than 500 PhDs a year.
Undergraduate Entrance Gate, University of Indonesia
University of Indonesia as a favorite of Higher Education in Indonesia attracting many high school graduates. This interest has, of course, not without reason. UI is one of the main pillars of higher education that provides quality learning by graduates who proved capable of entering the arena of global competition. Entering the gates of the UI is a dream many of the nation for a new high school graduates.
UI prepare entrance Undergraduate Program (S1), among others through:
Through the AEOS (Achievements and Equitable Learning Opportunities), SIMAK (Selection Entrance of University of Indonesia), SNMPTN (National Selection Entrance State University), International Class (KI) and Their KSDI (Regional Cooperation and Industry).
Alhamdulillah all the practice problems you can download. You are the visitors to prayer, our team managed to process a matter of practice refer to the UI in 2011, then revisit our site as often as possible. Thanks!
Download Exercise Problem Consider the UI Year 2011
(Line S1 Regular, vocational, Parallel S1, and S1 KKI)
Download Prediksi Soal Simak UI 2011
All exam drill consists :
kemampuan Dasar, Kemampuan IPS, and Kemampuan IPA, all of exam drill please download here and here, Thanks!
1 Coment�rio:
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