Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Info SIMAK UI 2012

Simak-UI (Seleksi Masuk UI) adalah ujian seleksi terpadu masuk UI yang diselenggarakan UI bagi calon mahasiswa yang ingin kuliah di UI. Ujian ini dilakukan secara serentak di seluruh Indonesia untuk seluruh program pendidikan yang ada di UI, mulai Program Vokasi (D3), Sarjana Reguler, Sarjana Kelas Paralel, Profesi, Magister dan Doktor. Ujian dilakukan serentak.

Seleksi Masuk (SIMAK) Univ. Indonesia adalah pola seleksi yang tidak membedakan jenis kelamin, agama, suku, ras, kedudukan sosial dan tingkat kemampuan ekonomi. SIMAK-UI adalah seleksi masuk untuk jenjang program S1 Regular, Vokasi (D3), S1 Paralel dan S1 Kelas Khusus Internasional (KKI), S2, S3, Profesi dan Spesialis secara bersamaan. Dalam upaya pemerataan kesempatan belajar di UI, maka SIMAK-UI dilaksanakan secara serentak, sehingga siswa atau siapapun yang ingin masuk UI dapat mengikuti seleksi di beberapa lokasi kota terdekat dengan tempat tinggalnya (Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Samarinda), tanpa harus datang ke Depok. Untuk TA 2012/2013 ujian SIMAK-UI direncanakan tanggal 8 JULI 2012.

SIMAK-UI BUKAN jalur MANDIRI,dan UI tidak memiliki jalur Mandiri. Untuk Jenjang S1 Reguler, Biaya Pendidikannya sama jika diterima melalui jalur masuk lainnya seperti jalur PPKB (PMDK), SNMPTN dan Prestasi. Besarnya Biaya Pendidikan di S1 Regular adalah BERKEADILAN, bergantung kemampuan orangtua/wali yang memenuhi syarat BOPB.

Pendaftaran secara online 4-22 Juni 2012.

Prosedur Pendaftaran (klik)

Dengan sekali ujian SIMAK-UI, siswa SMA/Sederajat dapat memilih S1 Reguler, Vokasi (D3), dan S1 Paralel.

Sedangkan ujian SIMAK-UI S1 Kelas Khusus Internasional (KKI) diselenggarakan pada hari yang berbeda, karena materi ujian diselenggarakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Peserta SIMAK-UI S1 Kelas Khusus Internasional (KKI) hanya dapat memilih 1 program studi.

Dan bagi pendaftar jenjang Pascsarjana (S2, S3, Profesi dan Spesialis) hanya dapat memilih 1 program studi.

S1 Reguler
Komponen Biaya Pendidikan (BP) yaitu BOP persemester yang besarnya MIN Rp 100.000,- hingga MAX Rp 5.000.000,- kelompok program S IPS dan MAX Rp 7.500.000,- kelompok PS IPA tergantung pada kemampuan orangtua/wali, dimana tidak ada lagi biaya SKS, biaya praktikum dan biaya tambahan lainnya.
Komponen BP lainnya adalah Uang Pangkal yang dibayarkan sekali pada saat masuk (bisa dicicil) yang besarnya NOL hingga MAX Rp 5jt, 10jt atau 25jt (tergantung pada fakultasnya). Nilai Uang Pangkal sangat bergantung pada kemampuan orangtua/wali.
Biaya Pendidikan S1 Regular bila tidak mampu akan ditentukan, setelah siswa diterima seleksi. BERKEADILAN berdasarkan dokumen yang menunjukkan ketidakmampuan orangtua/wali membayar biaya pendidikan maksimal.
Berbeda dengan SNMPTN yang hanya menerima siswa yang mengikuti Ujian Nasional (UN), SIMAK-UI menerima siswa yang tidak mengikuti UN namun memiliki ijazah A level atau IB Diploma.

Daftar program studi S1 Reguler dapat dilihat disini.

Vokasi (D3)
Program Vokasi adalah program pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan tinggi yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan tenaga yang dapat menetapkan keahlian dan ketrampilan di bidangnya, siap kerja dan mampu bersaing secara global. Program ini membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan SMA/Sederajat (tanpa batasan usia dan tahun lulusan) yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan dengan kurikulum berbasis keahlian profesi. Biaya pendidikan di program Vokasi telah mendapat subsidi Universitas, namun tidak ada BOP-Berkeadilan.

Daftar program studi Vokasi (D3) dapat dilihat disini.

S1 Paralel
Program S1 Pararel diadakan untuk membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan SMA/Sederajat (tanpa batasan usia dan tahun lulusan) yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan dengan kurikulum berbasis keilmuan. Kurikulum, fasilitas maupun tenaga pengajar sama dengan program pendidikan lainnya di UI. Biaya pendidikan S1 Paralel tetap mendapat subsidi Universitas, namun tidak ada BOP-Berkeadilan.

Daftar program studi S1 paralel dapat dilihat disini.

S1 Kelas Khusus Internasional (KKI)
Adalah program pendidikan yang menggunakan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar perkuliahan. Program ini diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Indonesia atas dasar adanya kerjasama antara Universitas Indonesia dengan mitra Perguruan Tinggi di luar negeri yang memiliki reputasi internasional dan telah memperoleh akreditasi di negaranya.

- Gelar Tunggal, adalah program KKI yang memiliki kurikulum khusus dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengikuti perkuliahan atau pengalaman magang di universitas mitra di Luar Negeri selama beberapa bulan. Mahasiswa hanya akan memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan dari UI.
- Gelar Ganda, adalah program KKI yang memiliki kurikulum khusus dengan memberi kesempatan mahasiswa untuk menempuh studi di UI dan di Universitas Mitra UI dengan skema masa studi di universitas mitra di Luar Negeri selama 2-4 semester. Mahasiswa akan memperoleh gelar kesarjanaan dari UI dan dari Universitas Mitra UI sekaligus.

Persyaratan pendaftaran program KKI adalah memiliki TOEFL atau IELTS. TOEFL yang dapat digunakan untuk mendaftar KKI adalah TOEFL yang disertifikasi ETS berupa ITP (skor min.500), iBT (skor min.61), dan computer based (skor min.173). Atau dapat juga menggunakan IELTS yang disertifikasi oleh Bristish Council/idp Australia/Cambridge ESOL. TOEFL Prediction tidak dapat digunakan untuk mendaftar kecuali TOEFL Prediction yang dikeluarkan oleh LBI FIB UI

Daftar program studi KKI dapat dilihat disini.

Program Magister (S2), Profesi, Spesialis
Program Magister (S2) adalah program pendidikan tinggi setelah program pendidikan sarjana yang memberikan hak menyandang gelar Magister kepada lulusannya
Pendidikan Profesi adalah program pendidikan tinggi setelah program pendidikan sarjana yang mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk memiliki pekerjaan dengan persyaratan keahlian khusus
Spesialis adalah jenjang pendidikan tinggi sebagai lanjutan dari pendidikan profesi yang bertujuan untuk penguasaan keprofesian yang mantap dalam bidang tertentu yang dilandasi kemampuan akademik yang kokoh
Persyaratan pendaftaran jenjang Magister (S2), Profesi, Spesialis adalah mengupload dokumen:
• Salinan (fotokopi) Ijasah dilegalisir
• Salinan (fotokopi) transkrip nilai dilegalisir

Program Doktor (S3)
Adalah program pendidikan strata 3 (S3) yang ditujukan untuk memperoleh gelar akademik doktor (Dr) sebagai gelar akademik tertinggi
Persyaratan pendaftaran jenjang Doktor (S3) adalah mengupload dokumen:
• Salinan (fotokopi) Ijasah dilegalisir
• Salinan (fotokopi) transkrip nilai dilegalisir
• Surat rekomendasi dari 2 guru besar atau ahli bidang ilmu terkait (sesuai ketentuan program studi yang dituju)
• Praproposal disertasi (sesuai ketentuan program studi yang dituju)


Pendaftaran 4 - 22 Juni 2012 online di
Ujian 8 Juli 2012 di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia

Tahap Pendaftaran:

  1. Membuat account di situs Penerimaan UI

    Klik link Buat Account di kanan atas lalu isi formulir yang muncul

  2. Membuat pendaftaran

    Setelah account aktif, Anda dapat login menggunakan username dan password Anda, lalu pilih menu Buat Pendaftaran untuk membuat pendaftaran baru.

  3. Meng-upload foto berwarna ukuran digital (minimal) 400 : 600 pixel
  4. Membayar biaya pendaftaran

    Biaya pendaftaran hanya dapat dibayarkan setelah Anda meng-upload foto .
    Formulir pendaftaran dan pilihan program studi tidak dapat diubah lagi setelah Anda membayar biaya pendaftaran.

  5. Meng-upload berkas persyaratan pendaftaran

    Khusus untuk pendaftar Program Pascasarjana (S2, S3, Profesi, Spesialis) S1 Ekstensi dan yang memilih S1 Kelas Internasional

  6. Meng-download kartu ujian masuk

    Kartu ini harus dibawa ketika ujian seleksi masuk

  7. Mengikuti ujian seleksi masuk pada waktu yang telah ditentukan
  8. Setelah mengikuti ujian seleksi masuk, Anda dapat melihat hasil seleksi pada tanggal pengumuman

Biaya Pendaftaran & Pilihan Program Studi Vokasi (D3), S1 Reguler, S1 Paralel, S1 KKI

Biaya Pendaftaran sebesar Rp.250.000,- untuk 2 pilihan program studi (IPA saja atau IPS saja)
- Terdapat biaya tambahan Rp.50.000,- jika tercatat memilih program studi IPA dan IPS sekaligus (IPC)
- Terdapat biaya tambahan Rp.50.000,- untuk setiap penambahan pilihan program studi/jurusan

Biaya pendaftaran Kelas Khusus Internasional sebesar Rp. 1.000.000,- untuk 1 pilihan program studi. Pendaftar KKI hanya dapat memilih 1 program studi

Hanya dengan satu kali ujian dalam SIMAK UI, peserta dapat memilih satu hingga tiga Program Pendidikan yang terdiri dari Vokasi (D3), S1 Reguler, dan S1 paralel dengan ketentuan:
- Vokasi (D3) maksimal 3 pilihan program studi
- S1 reguler maksimal 3 pilihan program studi
- S1 paralel maksimal 3 pilihan program studi

Jumlah pilihan secara keseluruhan maksimal 8 program studi IPS semua, atau IPA semua atau IPC.

Ilustrasi A.
1. Ilmu Kedokteran, FK (reguler) --> paket 2 pilihan pertama = 250rb
2. Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi, FKG (reguler) --> paket 2 pilihan pertama = 250rb
3. Fisioterapi (Vokasi) --> tambah 50rb
Total biaya pendaftaran = Rp 300.000,-

Ilustrasi B.
1. Ilmu Kedokteran, FK (reguler) --> paket 2 pilihan pertama = 250rb
2. Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi, FKG (reguler) --> paket 2 pilihan pertama = 250rb
3. Biologi, FMIPA (reguler) --> tambah 50rb
4. Akuntansi, FE (paralel) --> tambah 50rb
5. Komunikasi, FISIP (paralel) --> tambah 50rb
6. Hukum, FH (paralel) --> tambah 50rb
7. Periklanan, Komunikasi (Vokasi) --> tambah 50rb

Karena tercatat memilih program studi IPA dan IPS sekaligus (IPC), dikenakan biaya tambahan 50rb
Total biaya pendaftaran = Rp 550.000,-

Biaya Pendaftaran & Pilihan Program Studi Pascasarjana

- Biaya Pendaftaran untuk program Magister dan Profesi Rp. 500.000
- Kecuali untuk program Magister Psikologi Profesi dan Ilmu Keperawatan Rp. 750.000
- Biaya pendaftaran untuk program Doktor Rp.750.000
- Biaya pendaftaran untuk program Spesialis Rp.1.000.000
- Setiap peserta hanya dapat memilih 1 program studi
Biaya pendaftaran hanya dapat dibayarkan setelah foto peserta di unggah.

Materi Ujian Vokasi (D3), S1 Reguler, S1 Paralel, S1 KKI

Materi yang diujikan tergantung kelompok ujian program studi yang dipilih oleh peserta. Lihat kelompok ujian program studi, dengan meng-klik tulisan program pendidikan berikut: Vokasi (D3), S1 Reguler, S1 Paralel, dan S1 Kelas Khusus Internasional

Kelompok Ujian:
Kelompok IPA = Kemampuan Dasar + Kemampuan IPA
Kelompok IPS = Kemampuan Dasar + Kemampuan IPS
Kelompok IPC = Kemampuan Dasar + Kemampuan IPA + Kemampuan IPS

Materi Ujian:
· Kemampuan Dasar terdiri dari: Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
· Kemampuan IPA terdiri dari: Matematika IPA, Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, IPA terpadu
· Kemampuan IPS terdiri dari: Sejarah, Ekonomi, Geografi, IPS terpadu

Materi Ujian Pascasarjana

• Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA )
• Bahasa Inggris

Kota Lokasi Ujian

Jawa --> Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya
Sumatera --> Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru
Sulawesi --> Makassar
Kalimantan --> Samarinda

Daya Tampung

Mengikuti Permendiknas 34/2010, maka daya tampung S1 Regular di SIMAK-UI akan berkisar 20%. UI menerima mahasiswa S1 Regular melalui SNMPTN jalur undangan sekitar 40% (pemberitahuan undangan oleh SNMPTN namun evaluasi dan penentuan ditentukan UI sama seperti jalur PPKB/PMDK), sedangkan sisanya 40% melalui SNMPTN jalur ujian tulis.

Daya tampung program studi yang ada di SIMAK UI selengkapnya dapat dilihat dengan meng-klik tulisan program pendidikan berikut: Vokasi (D3), S1 Reguler, S1 Paralel, dan S1 Kelas Khusus Internasional

Silakan download leaflet SIMAK 2012 disini.

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Jalur Masuk UI 2012/2013

Universitas Indonesia menerima mahasiswa baru lulusan SMA/SMK/MA/Sederajat melalui beberapa jalur masuk. Tahun 2012 jalur masuk yang ada adalah jalur Undangan dan jalur Ujian Tulis.

- Jalur Undangan dahulu dikenal sebagai PMDK dan di UI disebut PPKB (Prestasi dan Pemerataan Kesempatan Belajar).

Download Files

Jalur masuk UI 2012 (klik disini).

Leaflet (klik disini).

1. Jalur undangan untuk S1 Reguler adalah SNMPTN Undangan. Sejak TA 2011 PPKB S1 Reguler diintegrasikan dalam SNMPTN Undangan, sehingga peraturan pendaftaran mengikuti ketentuan SNMPTN Undangan.
2. jalur Undangan untuk Vokasi (D3) melalui PPKB Vokasi (D3)
3. jalur undangan S1 Paralel melalui PPKB S1 Paralel
4. jalur undangan S1 Kelas Internasional melalui Talentscouting.
Jalur Undangan merupakan seleksi prestasi akademik (raport) dan tanpa ujian tulis. Peserta adalah lulusan SMA/SMK/MA/Sederajat tahun yang sama saat mendaftar (contoh: PPKB 2012 untuk lulusan SMA/SMK/MA/Sederajat 2012). Hanya sekolah yang mendapat undangan yang dapat merekomendasikan siswanya di jalur ini.

- Jalur Ujian tulis yakni SNMPTN Tulis dan SIMAK UI. Perbedaan SNMPTN Tulis dengan SIMAK UI adalah pihak penyelenggara dan pilihan program pendidikan. SNMPTN Tulis diselenggarakan oleh Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Program pendidikan yang dapat dipilih dalam SNMPTN Tulis hanya S1 Reguler. pendaftaran SNMPTN melalui website resmi SNMPTN di Sedangkan SIMAK UI diselenggarakan oleh UI dengan pilihan program pendidikan meliputi Vokasi (D3), S1 reguler, S1 paralel dan S1 Kelas Internasional. Peserta dapat memilih Vokasi (D3), S1 Reguler dan S1 Paralel sekaligus, hanya dengan 1x ujian. Sedangkan ujian S1 Kelas Internasional diselenggarakan terpisah, karena tes tulis menggunakan pengantar bahasa inggris. Pendaftaran SIMAK UI online di website

Program pendidikan Vokasi (D3), S1 Paralel dan S1 Kelas internasional menerima lulusan SMA/SMK/MA/Sederajat tanpa batasan usia ijasah. Sedangkan S1 Reguler hanya menerima lulusan SMA/SMK/MA /Sederajat maksimal 3 tahun terakhir (contoh: pendaftaran 2012 untuk lulusan SMA/Sederajat 2012, 2011, 2010). Persyaratan tambahan bagi pendaftar Kelas Internasional adalah memiliki TOEFL Institusional (ITP) min.500 atau iBT min.61 atau CBT min.173 atau IELTS min.5.5.

Biaya Pendidikan untuk S1 Reguler SNMPTN Undangan = S1 Reguler SNMPTN Tulis = S1 Reguler SIMAK. Cek biaya pendidikan S1 Reguler disini.
Bagi mahasiswa S1 Reguler terdapat Biaya Operasional Pendidikan (BOP) Berkeadilan dan beasiswa uang pangkal, yakni biaya pendidikan dan uang pangkal disesuaikan dengan kemampuan orang tua/wali yang menanggung biaya pendidikan.
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Monday, January 31, 2011

Schedule of Simak UI 2011

University of Indonesia expressed readiness to follow the Regulation of the Minister of National Education regarding the implementation schedule independently test track. "We are abiding by the rules," said Executive Chairman of Admissions, University of Indonesia, Emil, told Tempo, Saturday (15 / 1).

Last year, University of Indonesia, held a self exam or SIMAK UI (Selection Sign in UI) before the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN). However, today the university will conduct an independent test was on July 3, or after the announcement of acceptance SNMPTN.

Emil also said the UI follow the rules of the portion of 60 percent of new admissions through the path SNMPTN. He said the rule does not conflict with the wishes of the university.

For the year 2011 the number of seats for new students are given the UI is as much as 4250 chair. That figure is the total number of new admissions from all channels include SNMPTN, Invitations and Mandiri.

As is known before the Ministry of National Education issued a ministerial regulation that prohibits all public universities in Indonesia, held a self-selection lane before implementation SNMPTN.

Selection Selection of the National Higher Education Entrance black is scheduled to take place 1 to 2 June 2011. If preceded SNMPTN, then the universities should revise the schedule as per the rules of selection of the Minister of National Education.
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Tuition Scheme University of Indonesia

The variation of the family's financial ability of students is very diverse, ranging from the range that is capable of up who can not afford. To that end, the University of Indonesia (UI) states have imposed a system of Justice Education Operating Costs (BOP Justice) specific for S-1 for regular students.

Thus expressed the Head of Communications Office of Vishnu Juwono UI in Depok, on Monday (01/10/2011), after the letter of reply the UI to the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) related education costing in the UI.

Vishnu said, through a system of Justice BOP, BOP students can pay between Rp 100,000 - Rp 7,500,000 for the exact field of study and assign USD 100,000 - USD 5,000,000 for noneksakta, according to their ability, through the mechanism of determining BOP Justice.

"This mechanism relies on the honesty of students or parents in charge of their financial capability data. The data are processed and analyzed by the UI team that set a BOP basis of each student every year," said Vishnu.

He said the team Stipulation Justice BOP is always included elements that actively involved students, particularly in verifying the data, even conducted a survey into the field if there are data that are incomplete or questionable.

"As we are aware, only a few students in the implementation of S-1 regular program that is able to pay the maximum amount of BOP Justice," he said.

"In fact, during the last three years by more than 8,000 S-1 student or 59 percent of regular pay under BOP maximum magnitude of this justice," added Vishnu.

He said, almost as much as 5,000 students regular S-1 for 3 last year just to pay the BOP just under $ 2,000,000. So with the application of BOP justice system, he continued, the payment of tuition fees per semester from the student / student Program Regular S-1 averaged only Rp 3,000,000 per semester.

"When compared with the Student Unit Cost (SUC), then the value is only equal to 11 to 16 percent of the SUC," he added.

In addition, in determining BP Undergraduate Program (S-1), UI divide into two categories, namely S-1 Regular and Nonreguler, consisting of Parallel, Extension, Regional Cooperation and Industry (KSDI), Special Class International (KKI). The degree program class program nonreguler such as parallel, the International Class, and Extension received through jaluk Selection Entry (See the UI) will be charged nominal range of education ranged from Rp 7,500,000 to Rp 8.5 million (special undergraduate program parallel and extension) .

"This also applies to students accepted to the program KSDI, while the cost of education to international class will be charged a higher and tailored to each department for using the curriculum and infrastructure of international standard lectures," said Vishnu.

He added that the entire burden of tuition fees for graduate programs nonreguler BOP scheme does not obtain Justice. Therefore, Vishnu said, it can be assumed that prospective students who choose to study in graduate programs nonreguler, conscious and aware that they must pay the cost of education is not cheap.

"Moreover, it can be assumed that prospective students who decide to take studies in non-regular degree programs also have good financial skills," he added.

Reported earlier, the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), came to Rector University of Indonesia (UI), Thursday (16/12/2010), to determine the transparency of the calculation, determination, and management of student funds and university funds. ICW arrival triggered by complaints of students who feel UI is not transparent in setting the standard unit cost (SUC) for UI students.
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Simak UI 3 Juli 2011

Selection Entry (SIMAK) Univ. Indonesia is a selection pattern that does not distinguish sex, religion, ethnicity, race, social status and level of economic capacity. SIMAK-UI is a selection of entry to S1 level Regular programs, vocational (D3), S1 and S1 Parallel Special Class International (KKI), S2, and S3 at the same profession. In an effort to equal opportunity to learn the UI, then-UI SIMAK implemented simultaneously, so students or anyone looking to enter the UI to follow the selection in some locations the nearest town to their homes, without having to come to the Depot. For FY 2011/2012, followed Permendiknas 34 / 2010, then-UI SIMAK planned on 3 July 2011.

NON-UI SIMAK MANDIRI path, and the UI does not have a track HS. To Level Regular S1, education is the same fee if received through other pathways such as lane AEOS (PMDK), SNMPTN and Achievement. The amount of the S1 Regular Education Cost is based on justice, relying ability parent / guardian.

Online registration is planned 3 to 24 June 2011. With the once-UI SIMAK exam, students can choose S1 Regular high school, vocational (D3), Parallel S1, or S1 Special Class International (KKI).

Regular S1

Component Cost of Education (BP) is a large BOP persemester MIN Rp 100.000, - to MAX Rp 5.000.000, - IPS PS group and MAX Rp 7.500.000, - IPA PS group depends on the ability of parents / guardians, where there is no longer cost SKS, lab fees and other additional costs.

Another component of BP Jetty Money paid once at the time of entry (can be paid by installments) the amount of NOL to MAX USD 5jt, 10jt or 25jt (depending on the faculty). The base value of money depends on the ability of parents / guardians.

Regular Education Cost S1 if not able to be determined, after a student received selection. Justice based on documents that showed the inability of parents / guardians pay the maximum tuition fees.

Unlike SNMPTN who only accept students who follow the National Examination (UN), SIMAK-UI to accept students who do not follow the UN but has a diploma A-levels or IB Diploma.

Vocational (D3)

The program is a vocational education programs in higher education that aims to prepare personnel who can establish expertise and skills in the field, ready to work and able to compete globally. This program is an opportunity for high school graduates (without limitation of age and years of graduates) who wish to continue their education with a curriculum based on professional expertise. The cost of education in vocational programs have been heavily subsidized and the University, but no BOP-Justice.

Parallel S1

S1 parallel program was held to open up opportunities for high school graduates (without limitation of age and years of graduates) who wish to continue their education with science-based curriculum. Curriculum, facilities and teaching staff together with other educational programs in the UI. Parallel S1 education costs continue to subsidize their University, but no BOP-Justice.

S1 Special Class International (KKI)

Is an education program that uses English as its language of instruction course. The program is organized by the University of Indonesia on the basis of the cooperation between University of Indonesia with a partner university abroad which has an international reputation and has gained accreditation in the country.

- Single degree, is a program that has a special curriculum KKI to provide kempatan to students to attend lectures or internship experience at partner universities abroad for several months. Students will only earn a degree from the UI.

- Dual Degree, KKI is a program that has a special curriculum to give students the opportunity to study at the UI and the University Partners UI with the scheme of study at partner universities abroad for 2-4 semesters. Students will obtain a degree from UI and from the University Partners UI as well.


Following Permendiknas 34/2010, then the capacity in SIMAK-S1 Regular UI will range from 15-25% (Capacity selection held by the PTN 40% reduced line capacity AEOS / PMDK UI 15-25%). For additional information, the UI will admit students through SNMPTN S1 Regular invitations lane about 40% (notice the invitation by SNMPTN yet determined the evaluation and determination of the UI the same as the path AEOS / PMDK), while the remaining 20% through SNMPTN point written examination.
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Video Simak UI in SMAN 68 Jakarta

SMAN 68 Jakarta is Senior High Schools are located in the numbers Senen, Central Jakarta. Simak UI in 2010 was held also in this school, you watch the video please refer to the Simak UI in SMAN 68 Jakarta.

Video enter here please

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Jalur Simak UI 2011

University of Indonesia as Indonesia's leading universities attract more prospective students to attend educational programs at University of Indonesia, ranging from vocational education programs (Diploma 3) to doctoral education program (S3). This interest has caused the University of Indonesia provide a quality learning process so that graduates can compete at a global level. Graduates of quality depends on two factors: the quality of inputs (in this case the prospective students) and quality process that includes, among others, competent faculty, adequate infrastructure, teaching methods and others. In order to obtain high-quality candidate, University of Indonesia conduct a rigorous selection process. The concept of new admissions at the University of Indonesia are:

1. Integration

Selection is centralized with a consistent standard operating procedures.

2. Excellence

Selection of candidates who are able to capture that is ready to grow together with leading the University of Indonesia, and in line with international standards and practices.

3. Enterprising

Implementation of an efficient selection based on cost recovery.

Education Program in the Univ. Indonesia is:

1. Vocational (D3)
2. S1 Regular
3. Parallel S1
4. International Class S1
5. S1 Extension
6. Master (S2)
7. Profession
8. Specialist
9. Doctoral (S3)

For students / graduates from high school, a pathway that can be used are:

1. Entrance Path Selection AEOS (Achievements and Equitable Learning Opportunities / PMDK) for S1 Regular Programme, the International Class S1 and vocational. Schools that qualify are invited to send its best students to follow the selection AEOS.

2. Entrance Path Selection SIMAK for S1 Program Regular, Parallel S1, S1 and vocational International Class (D3), a nationally implemented simultaneously in major cities in Indonesia. SIMAK not independent route, because the cost of education has been established according to the Rector's Decree (see BP). Special to Regular S1 available BOP Justice (education costs at least Rp 100.000/semester and Money Jetty NOL, depends on the ability of parents). With one test, high school students can choose max 8 in 4 Studies Program Education Program. Selection is planned to be conducted on July 3, 2011. Registration is done online in the planned date of 3 to 24 June 2011.

3. Entrance Path Selection SNMPTN consisting of lines of invitations and track test. More information about can be seen in SNMPTN

For those who already have a diploma level Diploma / vocational

* Selection Entrance exams Line Extensions are planned to be August 7, 2011. While online registration is planned date 4 to 29 July 2011.

For those who already have a diploma graduate level

1. Selection of the Graduate School Entrance (S2, S3, Specialist, and Professional) wave 1 (one) semester exams Odd planned for FY 2011/2012 is 17 April 2011. Register online at planned date of 14 February to 1 April 2011.

2. Entrance Path Selection SIMAK, for Master Program (S2), Doctoral (S3), Specialist, and Professional nationally executed simultaneously in major cities in Indonesia. Exam to be held July 3, 2011. Registration is done online in the planned date of 3 to 24 June 2011.

3. Selection of the Graduate School Entrance (S2, S3, Specialist, Professional) Even semester exams planned for FY 2011/2012 of December 4, 2011. Register online at planned date of 10 October to 25 November 2011.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prediksi Soal Simak UI 2011

From its founding in 1849, academic excellence has been the hallmark of Universitas Indonesia (UI), one of the foremost research and teaching of the world class universities. UI students acquire benefits from the University’s position as a national and international crossroads for intellectual, political, cultural, and artistic exchange. Today, UI offers its students with global standard educational learning, an exceptional curriculum and mentoring experiences and supported by professionally renowned faculty.

Students accepted in UI are very competitive, in which only 5% of applicants are accepted yearly. For example in the year 2008 only 5.000 students accepted out of 100.000 applicants. UI acknowledge the importance of graduate students and by the year 2012 more than 50% of students are for Master and Doctoral studies. UI produces the highest and world class number of PhD graduates. International academic research publications produced by faculty-staff and PhD students are increasing tremendously. Our commitment is to produce high quality standard of researchers and by 2012 UI will graduate more than 500 PhDs a year.

Undergraduate Entrance Gate, University of Indonesia

University of Indonesia as a favorite of Higher Education in Indonesia attracting many high school graduates. This interest has, of course, not without reason. UI is one of the main pillars of higher education that provides quality learning by graduates who proved capable of entering the arena of global competition. Entering the gates of the UI is a dream many of the nation for a new high school graduates.
UI prepare entrance Undergraduate Program (S1), among others through:
Through the AEOS (Achievements and Equitable Learning Opportunities), SIMAK (Selection Entrance of University of Indonesia), SNMPTN (National Selection Entrance State University), International Class (KI) and Their KSDI (Regional Cooperation and Industry).

Alhamdulillah all the practice problems you can download. You are the visitors to prayer, our team managed to process a matter of practice refer to the UI in 2011, then revisit our site as often as possible. Thanks!
Download Exercise Problem Consider the UI Year 2011

(Line S1 Regular, vocational, Parallel S1, and S1 KKI)

Download Prediksi Soal Simak UI 2011

All exam drill consists :
kemampuan Dasar, Kemampuan IPS, and Kemampuan IPA, all of exam drill please download here and here, Thanks!

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